Amandine is DancingIllustrated by Sari Eran Hershkovitz

A little girl lives her dream

Whatever I LikeIllustrated by Ayelet Erel Prescott

About the wish to be independent and free

Rather than write books that aim to educate children

the emphasis in my books is

on imagination, authenticity and self-expression

.from the child’s perspective


Added value


Maya Hod-Ran

 Each book ends with experts’ recommendations to parents and therapists concerning the book’s topic and how best to read it

My work blends two spheres: creativity, and therapy. As an artist I open hearts. As a  therapist I  lead poeple to . their inner strength

storyteller, indie author, bibliotherapist, writing workshop facilitator, lecturer on creativity and parenting

Work in progress

During a year-long trip around the world with my family I wrote two more books

inspired by the simplicity and deeply family-oriented lifestyles we experienced

:throughout that year

How they Invented the ... Texts for four booklets. Two prehistoric kids invent current items: the omelet, the pillow and more. Each book describes a different invention 

Waiting. A little boy is frustrated by waiting for his father to play with him, but begins to realize that everyone around him is also waiting for someone or something

Currently they are being illustrated by Inbal Leitner

Contact : Maya Hod Ran972-547480632